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Showing posts from September, 2008

Dance of No Permission

By Angela Counts © 2008 Dance Ask no permission You are your own joy Your own bliss Dance upon the cornerstones on that which has not been built Dance upon dust Kick up a storm And watch them blind their eyes No matter A dance is DNA The blood that knows It won’t be forgotten It can’t be stopped It is the beat that keeps step The step that is history When we don’t know We still know In that quiet place The heart racing around Anxiety, Desire to move ahead Dance, head held high Dance, like you never knew how And this, and now Two steps, One step back Moving forward, In circles Light that corner With feet of your own imagination Kick the door out on that which can’t be said Dance with anger, dance with joy No matter It’s your dance Dance, like you never knew how And this, and now Two steps, One step back Moving forward, In circles Light that corner With feet of your own imagination It’s your dance

Star 69

By Angela Counts © The earth strip mined leaves A bitter taste in the mouth The caps of lush, green mountains Ripped to moon deadness numbs me. "Star Sixty-Nine" can bring back a deceitful telephone caller But God created her once Lush, impermanent memory. When they visit her millennium from now Will they know her languid and green? Or will they marvel at her rugged terrain, Grey, jagged, as far as the eye can see? Will they think her like the Moon and We, rapacious moon-dwellers, Stalking her stones and Burying her streams? Will the dreams of her past come to haunt in Deep forest nights when we dream in Technicolor past; when we Surf the web of our collective imagination? Will buried red bones rise up with White bones From the same dead Earth, In hollers that no longer whisper? We can never create her again, Recover what she gave us. We who want mortar and brick, and plastics And cars to drive, and air conditioners to cool. She will never breath the same way again, Offer us...